Bushfire has long been part of the Australian natural environment. Due to climate change, however, the frequency, severity and unpredictability of bushfire has reached unprecedented levels across Australia. The catastrophic impact of the Black Summer bushfires of 2019-2020 brought to the nation’s attention that the risk of bushfire is spreading from the rural and urban-bushland interface and into towns and built-up areas. Governments at the local, state, and federal levels are introducing regulatory imperatives for planning and construction in bushfire prone areas to protect people and property and to improve bushfire resilience. This has highlighted the need for national skills standards to support a range of job roles associated with the application of planning and building requirements to improve bushfire resilience of developments in bushfire prone areas.

Stage 1
Stage 2
Draft 1
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5
AISC submission
Stage 6
Skills Ministers
Stage 6

This project was completed on the 31st of December, 2022.

The second drafts of the training components for bushfire protection assessment were available for public consultation between 10 May and 31 May 2022. Feedback received during the validation stage was considered by subject matter experts and changes made to the units where they agreed that the feedback was relevant to the intended outcome. The unit ‘Prepare a bushfire emergency plan for domestic premises’ was adjusted. Domestic premises was replaced with small scale buildings, which were defined as ‘less than 500 square metres’.

The Case for Endorsement Bushfire Protection Assessment, one qualification, and eight new units of competency underwent independent Editorial and Equity and Quality Assurance reviews and the products met the requirements of the Standards for Training Packages 2012, Training Package Products Policy and the Training Package Development and Endorsement Process Policy.

  • CPPBPA5001 Assess factors affecting bushfire behaviour
  • CPPBPA5002 Advise on building materials for bushfire resilience
  • CPPBPA5003 Advise on building design for bushfire resilience
  • CPPBPA5004 Advise on landscaping design measures for bushfire resilience
  • CPPBPA5005 Advise on improvements to existing developments for bushfire resilience
  • CPPBPA5006 Prepare a bushfire emergency plan for small scale buildings
  • CPPBPA5007 Assess statutory planning applications for compliance with bushfire requirements
  • CPPBPA5008 Assess strategic planning proposals for compliance with bushfire requirements.

This project was endorsed at the October 2022 meeting of the Australian Industry Skills Committee. Following final sign-off from national Skills Ministers, the training package components will be added to the National Training Register. It is anticipated that this will occur before the end of 2022.

Case for Endorsement - Bushfire Protection and Assessment
CPP Companion Volume Release 17.0
CPP51222 Diploma of Bushfire Protection Assessment
Units of Competency
Contact: Artibus Innovation
Project last updated: December 2022
This project has had 7389 visitors.