Stage 6Stage 6

This project was completed on the 6th of May, 2019.

On behalf of the Property Services IRC, Artibus Innovation has reviewed and developed training package components for Real Estate. The Case for Endorsement was lodged February 2019 to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (ASIC) for their consideration. The Case for Endorsement has been approved.

Update: Extension to Transition Period

ASQA has issued notification that an extension will be granted to all registered training organisations (RTOs) delivering these training products to current learners. The extension is until 30 September, 2021.

This decision extends the transition period for registered RTOs to complete the training, assessment and Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) certification issuance. RTOs are still permitted to enrol learners in the training products while they are in the transition period.

The training products will remain on the relevant RTO's scope of registration until the end of the extended transition period.

ASQA has published this decision on its website available for reading here. They will also notify all affected RTO's. For further information, please contact ASQA directly.

The taining package components from this project can be found on at the following links:

Certificate III in Real Estate Practice

Certificate IV in Real Estate Practice

Diploma of Property (Agency Management)

Case for change

The case for change can be downloaded here.

Case for Endorsement Real Estate
Contact: Artibus Innovation
Project last updated: May 2021
This project has had 5407 visitors.